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Michael Allan recognized for outstanding graduate mentoring!

Congratulations to Professor Michael Allan, who has been recognized by the Graduate School with the Excellence Award for Graduate Student Mentoring!

This highly competitive award recognizes outstanding mentorship that fosters the academic and professional development of graduate students. In recognizing outstanding mentorship, the Graduate School seeks to highlight practices that enhance the overall quality of graduate education at the University of Oregon.

In the letter announcing Prof. Allan’s selection, the awards committee wrote:

We received several letters recommending you for this award. They came from both graduate students and faculty, all extolling your gifts as a mentor. Their common message was that the strength of the support you provide to your graduate students is simply outstanding. In the words of colleagues and graduate students: 

“Professor Allan teaches by example how to be a good mentee as well as how to be a good mentor. Because Professor Allan shows so much respect to me, my time, my ideas, and my value as a person, I am eager to reciprocate with respect for his time, his feedback, and his value as a person and as an accomplished scholar, mentor, and teacher.” 

“Dr. Michael Allan has in the brief two years in which we have worked together, fundamentally altered how I approach scholarship, as a researcher, a writer, an instructor, a student.” 

“Michael Allan is a mentor. His deep respect for UO graduate students is evident. He treats them with the respect due to junior colleagues, even as he guides them skillfully along the path toward their goals.” 

We could not agree more. Since his arrival to the University of Oregon in 2010, Professor Michael Allan has been a pillar of our doctoral program and a welcoming, patient, and creative mentor to generations of graduate students, not only in COLT, but across campus, nationally, and internationally.

Many congratulations, Mike, on this well-deserved recognition!